Read/WriteRead and write different actigraphy data patterns. |
Read, tidy, and validate an ActTrust file |
Adapt and write a |
Period analysisSokolove & Bushell’s chi square periodogram and spectrogram. |
Compute Sokolove & Bushell's \(\chi^{2}\) periodogram |
Compute a spectrogram based on Sokolove & Bushell's periodogram |
Data interpolationSeveral interpolation techiniques to use with |
Replace |
API clientsAPIs for gathering secondary data. |
Get data from a Zenodo record |
Get sun related statistics from different APIs |
DataDatasets for testing and learning purposes. |
An ActTrust actigraphy record |
UtilitiesOther functions to help with actigraphy data manipulation. |
Aggregate the index of a |
Find the epochs/periodicities in a |
Get paths to |