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Time arithmetic

sum_time() vct_sum_time() maturing
Sum time objects

Circular time

assign_date() maturing
Assign dates to two sequential hours
cycle_time() maturing
Cycle time objects
link_to_timeline() maturing
Link local times to a timeline
shorter_int() longer_int() shorter_duration() longer_duration() maturing
Find the shorter or longer interval between two hours


int_duration() maturing
Compute the duration of an Interval object
int_mean() maturing
Compute the mean of an Interval object
int_overlap() maturing
Compute the overlapping interval between two Interval objects


change_date() change_day() change_month() change_year() maturing
Change Date components
convert_to_unit() experimental
Convert a numerical object to a specific unit
extract_seconds() maturing
Extract seconds from a time object
get_last_week() get_last_month() maturing
Get last week or month
fix_hms() maturing
Transform 24:00:00 to 00:00:00 for hms objects
flat_posixt_date() flat_posixt_hour() maturing
Adjust the date or time of a POSIXt vector to a specific date or hour
round_time() maturing
Round time objects