returns the sum of the time from different kinds of date/time
returns the vectorized sum of the time from different kinds
of date/time objects.
Both functions can be set to work with a circular time frame (see Details to learn more).
sum_time(..., cycle = NULL, reverse = TRUE, na_rm = FALSE)
vct_sum_time(..., cycle = NULL, reverse = TRUE, na_rm = FALSE)
- ...
Objects belonging to one of the following classes:
, orhms
, orInterval
.- cycle
(optional) A
object of length 1, equal or greater than 0, indicating the cycle length in seconds. IfNULL
the function will perform a linear sum (see Details to learn more) (default:NULL
).- reverse
(optional) A
value indicating if the function must use a reverse cycle for negative sums (see Details to learn more) (default:TRUE
).- na_rm
(optional) a
value indicating if the function must removeNA
values while performing the sum (default:FALSE
versus vct_sum_time()
behaves similar to sum()
, in the sense that it
aggregates the time lengths of values in ...
into a single data point. For
example, sum_time(c(x, y), z)
will have the same output as sum_time(x, y, z)
performs a different type of sum (a vectorized one). Instead
of aggregating the time lengths, the function perform a paired sum between
elements. For example, vct_sum_time(c(x, y), c(w, z))
will return a vector
like c(sum_time(x, w), sum_time(y, z))
. Because of that, vct_sum_time()
requires that all objects in ...
have the same length.
Linear versus circular time
Time can have different "shapes".
If the objective is to measure the duration (time span) of an event, time is usually measured considering a linear frame, with a fixed point of origin. In this context, the time value distance itself to infinity in relation to the origin.
- inf inf +
s 0 5 10 s
A + B = 10 + 5 = 15s
But that's not the only possible "shape" of time, as it can also be measured in other contexts.
In a "time of day" context, time will be linked to the rotation of the earth, "resetting" when a new rotation cycle starts. That brings a different kind of shape to time: a circular shape. With this shape the time value encounters the origin at the end of each cycle.
- <--- h ---> +
. . . 0 . . .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
18 6
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. . . 12 . . .
18 + 6 = 0h
If we transpose this circular time frame to a linear one, it would look like this:
Note that now the origin is not fix, but cyclical.
and vct_sum_time()
can both operate in either a linear or a
circular fashion. If cycle = NULL
(default), the function will use a
linear approach. Else, the function will use a circular approach relative to
the cycle length (e.g, cycle = 86400
(1 day)).
Fractional time
uses the %%
operator to cycle values.
Hence, it can be subject to catastrophic loss of accuracy if values in ...
are fractional and much larger than cycle
. A warning is given if this is
is a builtin
R function that operates like this:
Negative time cycling
If the sum of the time is negative, with a cycle
assigned and
reverse = FALSE
, sum_time()
and vtc_sum_time()
will perform the cycle
considering the absolute value of the sum and return the result with a
negative signal.
However, If the sum of the time have a negative value, with a cycle
assigned and reverse = TRUE
(default), sum_time()
and vtc_sum_time()
will perform the cycle in reverse, relative to its origin.
Example: If the sum of the time have a -30h time span in a reversed cycle of 24h, the result will be 18h. By removing the full cycles of -30h you will get -6h (-30 + 24), and -6h relative to the origin will be 18h.
objects are special type of objects
developed by the lubridate team that
represents "human units", ignoring possible timeline irregularities. That is
to say that 1 day as Period
can have different time spans, when looking to
a timeline after a irregularity event.
Since the time span of a Period
object can
fluctuate, sum_time()
and vct_sum_time()
don't accept this kind of
object. You can transform it to a Duration
and still use the functions, but beware that this can produce errors.
Learn more about Period
objects in the Dates and times chapter of
Wickham & Grolemund book (n.d.).
objects in ...
will be stripped of their
dates. Only the time will be considered.
Both POSIXct
and POSIXlt
objects that inherits the class POSIXt
. Learn more
about it in ?DateTimeClasses
By using Interval
objects in ...
, sum_time()
and vct_sum_time()
will consider only their time spans. That is, the
amount of seconds of the intervals.
Learn more about Interval
objects in the Dates and times chapter of
Wickham & Grolemund (n.d.).
Wickham, H., & Grolemund, G. (n.d.). R for data science. (n.p.).
## Non-vectorized sum in an linear time frame
x <- c(as.POSIXct("2020-01-01 15:00:00"), as.POSIXct("1999-05-04 17:30:00"))
y <- lubridate::as.interval(lubridate::dhours(7), as.Date("1970-05-08"))
sum_time(x, y)
#> [1] "142200s (~1.65 days)"
#> [1] "142200s (~1.65 days)" # 39:30:00 # Expected
## Non-vectorized sum in a circular time frame of 24 hours
x <- c(lubridate::dhours(25), lubridate::dhours(5), lubridate::dminutes(50))
sum_time(x, cycle = lubridate::ddays())
#> [1] "24600s (~6.83 hours)"
#> [1] "24600s (~6.83 hours)" # 06:50:00 # Expected
x <- c(hms::parse_hm("00:15"), hms::parse_hm("02:30"), hms::as_hms(NA))
sum_time(x, cycle = lubridate::ddays())
#> [1] NA
#> NA # Expected
sum_time(x, cycle = lubridate::ddays(), na_rm = TRUE)
#> [1] "9900s (~2.75 hours)"
#> [1] "9900s (~2.75 hours)" # 02:45:00 # Expected
x <- c(lubridate::dhours(-12), lubridate::dhours(-13))
sum_time(x, cycle = lubridate::ddays(), reverse = FALSE)
#> [1] "-3600s (~-1 hours)"
#> [1] "-3600s (~-1 hours)" # -01:00:00 # Expected
x <- c(lubridate::dhours(-12), lubridate::dhours(-13))
sum_time(x, cycle = lubridate::ddays(), reverse = TRUE)
#> [1] "82800s (~23 hours)"
#> [1] "82800s (~23 hours)" # 23:00:00 # Expected
## Vectorized sum in an linear time frame
x <- c(lubridate::dhours(6), NA)
y <- c(hms::parse_hm("23:00"), hms::parse_hm("10:00"))
vct_sum_time(x, y)
#> [1] "104400s (~1.21 days)" NA
#> [1] "104400s (~1.21 days)" NA # 29:00:00 NA # Expected
vct_sum_time(x, y, na_rm = TRUE)
#> [1] "104400s (~1.21 days)" "36000s (~10 hours)"
#> [1] "104400s (~1.21 days)" "36000s (~10 hours)" # Expected
## Vectorized sum in a circular time frame of 24 hours
x <- c(lubridate::dhours(6), NA)
y <- c(hms::parse_hm("23:00"), hms::parse_hm("10:00"))
vct_sum_time(x, y, cycle = lubridate::ddays())
#> [1] "18000s (~5 hours)" NA
#> [1] "18000s (~5 hours)" NA # Expected
vct_sum_time(x, y, cycle = lubridate::ddays(), na_rm = TRUE)
#> [1] "18000s (~5 hours)" "36000s (~10 hours)"
#> [1] "18000s (~5 hours)" "36000s (~10 hours)" # Expected
x <- c(lubridate::dhours(-49), lubridate::dhours(-24))
y <- c(hms::parse_hm("24:00"), - hms::parse_hm("06:00"))
vct_sum_time(x, y, cycle = lubridate::ddays(), reverse = FALSE)
#> [1] "-3600s (~-1 hours)" "-21600s (~-6 hours)"
#> [1] "-3600s (~-1 hours)" "-21600s (~-6 hours)" # Expected
x <- c(lubridate::dhours(-49), lubridate::dhours(-24))
y <- c(hms::parse_hm("24:00"), - hms::parse_hm("06:00"))
vct_sum_time(x, y, cycle = lubridate::ddays(), reverse = TRUE)
#> [1] "82800s (~23 hours)" "64800s (~18 hours)"
#> [1] "82800s (~23 hours)" "64800s (~18 hours)" # Expected