
check_identical(..., type = "value", .names = get_names(...))

assert_identical(..., type = "value", .names = get_names(...))

test_identical(..., type = "value", .names = get_names(...))



Objects to compare.


(optional) a string corresponding to the type of comparison to perform. Valid values: "value", "length", and "class" (default: "value").


(optional) a character vector containing names for each object in ... (default: prettycheck:::get_names(...)). This argument is used internally and should not be set by the user.


  • test_*: TRUE if it passes the test; FALSE otherwise.

  • check_*: TRUE if it passes the test; a string with a message otherwise.

  • assertion_*: The same input as invisible if it passes the test; an error message otherwise.

  • expect_*: The same input as invisible if it passes the test; an error message otherwise.


x <- 1; y <- 1
test_identical(x, y, type = "value")
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] TRUE # Expected

x <- 1; y <- 2
check_identical(x, y, type = "value") |> cli::cli_alert_warning()
#> ! x and y must have identical values.
#> ! x and y must have identical values. # Expected

x <- letters; y <- 1:2
check_identical(x, y, type = "length") |> cli::cli_alert_warning()
#> ! x and y must have identical lengths.
#> ! x and y must have identical lengths. # Expected

x <- "a"; y <- 1
check_identical(x, y, type = "class") |> cli::cli_alert_warning()
#> ! x and y must belong to the same class.
#> ! x and y must belong to the same class. # Expected